Monday, November 14, 2011

For my readers

Life has been really tough on my family and me these past months.
I had to go to Argentina as an emergency trip at the end of September, because my dear father was and is very ill. All I have to say is that since September life has been really sad. We went trough a loT, I felt the necessity to tell my readers why of me disappearing all the sudden. Well this is my reason.

I got back from Argentina just like a week ago, my father is stable but his health is very delicate. I don’t know when I would have to go back, but I wish I was there helping him and my mother. She is really taking care of him 24/7. It’s a lot of work! You have not idea. I prefer to keep the details for myself.
My heart is broken in a million pieces, my dad and I are really close and just the idea of loosing him makes me deeply sad.
I do want you “my readers” to know, that I miss writing and I miss making projects and showing them to you, but my mind it’s to busy right now, trying to live at two places at the same time.

Last Friday, after taking to my mother my mother for a while she said “ why don’t you knit something for you, to keep your mind busy in something else?” I said, “ How could I? She said, “ Hija (daughter) is good for you. You should start something, it doesn’t mean that you are going to stop thinking about what’s going on here, it will just mean that your mind will rest for a little while”.
So, because mom is “always right”, I did start knitting something, all for me this time. It’s a raglan cardigan top down, and my mom was right, it did take my mind away from the problems for a while. It’s coming out really good so far. I like it. I guess it will be another garment with a deep meaning. I always knit something meaningful, so I can remember and in the future will always have a story to tell in every single one of my stitches.

To close this post, I would like to say that we should enjoy every member of our family as much as we can, when we can. Mom and Dad are the ones who always love us, no matter what. We should never forget that.
Many hugs to my readers, and I thank you for hanging in there.


MarmePurl said...

Many Prayers to ou and your family Sabrina. I know the position you are in. I have been there with my dad too.
Do keep knitting. And treasure what you make in you dad's honor.

Sabrina's Creations said...

Thank you Joan. Your comment warmed my heart.

Anonymous said...

Diosa tene fe y reza mucho !!y tu mama tiene razon tenesla mente en otro lado, yo se que es dificil y mas como sos vos. te mando un beso grande y te llamo, besos!!

Sabrina's Creations said...

Cheli miles de gracias por tu apoyo, realmente lo aprecio mucho y es mas me hace muy bien. Por ahi es sabado si estan me voy a tomar unos matecitos y tejemos un ratito mientras charlamos y tomamos mate queres? Igual el bebu trabaja asi que por ahi me voy un ratito para alla. Besos amiga querida!

Anonymous said...

Mucha fuerza! Una vez leí que cuando nos ponemos muy tristes por una situación difícil en realidad le estamos dando poder a lo negativo, el secreto es enviar mucha luz a la persona que lo necesita, en este caso tu papá. Yo lo que hago es irme a un lugar muy tranquilo, relajarme por medio de la respiración y luego me imagino que todo mi amor sale en forma de un color y envuelve a la persona, mejorándolo y fortaleciéndolo. Sin tener mucha fe en un principio me ha dado resultados inesperados, por eso te lo comparto.
Te envío mucha luz y el deseo de que tu papá mejore muy pronto y puedas seguir disfrutando de él.
Saludo grandote

Sabrina's Creations said...

Quiero agradecer a la ultima persona que comento. Nose tu nombre pero gracias por darme tanta buena onda. Y si tenes razon yo tambien lo habia escuchado a eso de lo que uno transmite a la persona. Hace unos dias que comence a pensar en el de forma positiva, solo reviviendo los momentos y pensamientos mas positivos que tengo. Y me siento y se siente mejor! Gracias!